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Why PSYCH-K® is different?

Image by Shoeib Abolhassani


PSYCH-K® is based on the wisdom of the person and on their ability to change, more than on the ability of the Facilitator. PSYCH-K® integrates a “permission” protocol directed to the higher self of the person, which  knows what is “safe and appropriate” in the context of their evolution.

Image by Caroline Hernandez

Easy & Effective

A PSYCH-K® Balance (change process) takes only a few minutes.


A balance creates evident and sustainable change in the desired area of your life. You start to experience change almost instantly.

Image by Andrew Preble

Essentially Spiritual

Through PSYCH-K® you remember your inner power and your true essence as a spiritual being having a human experience.


That unleash a powerful realm and a deeper level of understanding who you truly are.

What is PSYCH-K®?

PSYCH-K® conducts a journey that is guided by conscious mind with support of sub-conscious mind and super conscious one (higher self) .

The body stores the information about anything and operates accordingly including our traumas and informations that we don’t want to process accordingly anymore.

Sometimes we want to change but change would not come by saying it with our mouths. We sometimes need to convince the sub-conscious mind. PSYCH-K® offers easy, fun yet powerful and effective ways for unlock your true potential. For more information please visit :

My PSYCH-K® Journey

PSYCH-K® is the most easy fast and effective spiritual process that I’ve ever experienced. 2016 my basic and advanced trainings has been a milestone for my life. I was functioning with a lot of doubts, frustrations and self sabotage habits.


PSYCH-K® helped me to overcome those unconscious habits consciously with lightning speed. It opened and expand my self recognition and consciousness.  I am so grateful to Robert Williams for sharing his wisdom with the world.

2019 educations continued with Master Facilitation and Health&Wellbeing Workshops.

I feel the more I work on myself, heal my wounds; the more I can hold space for my partner and facilitate a change.

When you be the change you wanna see, it ignites the fire for collective evolution.

Please feel free to connect for an on-line session.

Origins of PSYCH-K ®

Robert M. Williams M.A. is the originator of PSYCH-K®. He is the author of the book, The Missing Peace in Your Life! . Rob is also co-host of the popular DVD The Biology of Perception the Psychology of Change with Coleague Dr. Bruce Lipton.

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